Tuesday, October 5, 2010

jumbled up.

have u ever felt that maybe you might, just possibly, be more complex then absolutely necessary?  that at one minute, u can be thinking about something, and be all excited?  and the next, u feel guilty?  and the next u feel accomplished?  and the next u feel...well, you get the idea.  this is how i have been feeling lately.  there is alot that i want to do with my life, and yet i have this guilt like i should be doing more. like a balance, acceptance, and MODESTY of what i can and can't do is needed.

side note:
i love that i can listen to music, and it can totally inspire me.  i have been having issues with this, inspiration lately.  its like, i have the desire to draw, paint, write, but in the back of my mind, i am adding so much weight as to whether it will look good, or i will like it, that i haven't jump started my thoughts into actions.

ironic that i should just be doing it, and here i am writing about it.
(waiting for the paint to dry, so i can edit :D)

i haven't written in a while, so i thought i would.

this in mind, i'm about ready to start finishing up this double drawing that i have started.  i like the concept & think that i will be doing more of this, once i get it figured out :)

good night, fellow bloggers & hope to hear from you soon.