Friday, December 17, 2010


Have u ever thought that maybe u had more worth then u know u were living up to!? That no matter how hard u try, sometimes, it just doesn't seem to matter? It just doesn't seem to be e enough. When did I stop trying to reach for the stars? Why can't I just focus, for once, and actually accomplish something in my life!? I am happy. I have a beautiful, perfect, child, who adores me and is constantly challenging me to be a better person, a better teacher, mother and example for her. I have a supportive, caring husband, who always me laugh, and gives me whatever I want. I have a great set of friends that have become family to me and I also have a wonderful family. So, why isn't that enough? Why can't I be content that I hav this blessed life, instead of feeling like I should be doing more? I am productive. I am hard working. I am far from lazy. So why isn't anything ever enough? Why is there always something else, something that is missing? Something that I should be doing?