Friday, December 17, 2010


Have u ever thought that maybe u had more worth then u know u were living up to!? That no matter how hard u try, sometimes, it just doesn't seem to matter? It just doesn't seem to be e enough. When did I stop trying to reach for the stars? Why can't I just focus, for once, and actually accomplish something in my life!? I am happy. I have a beautiful, perfect, child, who adores me and is constantly challenging me to be a better person, a better teacher, mother and example for her. I have a supportive, caring husband, who always me laugh, and gives me whatever I want. I have a great set of friends that have become family to me and I also have a wonderful family. So, why isn't that enough? Why can't I be content that I hav this blessed life, instead of feeling like I should be doing more? I am productive. I am hard working. I am far from lazy. So why isn't anything ever enough? Why is there always something else, something that is missing? Something that I should be doing?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

jumbled up.

have u ever felt that maybe you might, just possibly, be more complex then absolutely necessary?  that at one minute, u can be thinking about something, and be all excited?  and the next, u feel guilty?  and the next u feel accomplished?  and the next u feel...well, you get the idea.  this is how i have been feeling lately.  there is alot that i want to do with my life, and yet i have this guilt like i should be doing more. like a balance, acceptance, and MODESTY of what i can and can't do is needed.

side note:
i love that i can listen to music, and it can totally inspire me.  i have been having issues with this, inspiration lately.  its like, i have the desire to draw, paint, write, but in the back of my mind, i am adding so much weight as to whether it will look good, or i will like it, that i haven't jump started my thoughts into actions.

ironic that i should just be doing it, and here i am writing about it.
(waiting for the paint to dry, so i can edit :D)

i haven't written in a while, so i thought i would.

this in mind, i'm about ready to start finishing up this double drawing that i have started.  i like the concept & think that i will be doing more of this, once i get it figured out :)

good night, fellow bloggers & hope to hear from you soon.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

online journal?

so, i've definitely heard about blogs. read about blogs, and seen friends blog.  but never did one myself.  however, since i have been journaling since i was a child, i DEFINITELY think that this is something i could get into.  however, i am pretty sure, you might just have to be bored, or want to realllly know what is going on in my life, because i will be pretty sporadic, and probably unorganized as to what i write about.

i guess i won't tell you my secrets. all of them, at least :P  i'm unsure if i am supposed to direct this to someone or not, but i will just write like i journal.

tap, tap, tap. i love the sounds that my fingers make on the keyboard, and i think that is why i type away speedily.   anyways, this will be a short introduction as to what i am thinking will be a rather fun time, but i only have a few minutes so i must say adieu.  much love, boriqua.